
This is probably the most important tool you can use when rearing your children. When we’re young and we’re developing new hobbies, interests, friendships, etc., many of us are generally weary of what others think. I know that at one time or another, we’ve all done enjoyed something that others might find stupid or frivolous. Maybe you didn’t care what they thought, and maybe you did. But I’m sure you cared or would have cared what your parents thought about it, especially if all they had to say was “That’s kind of dumb,” or “I don’t really like that.” It has the potential to break a child’s heart if they hear that their parents don’t like their interests or friends! This can set the stage for lots of misbehavior, upset feelings, and more. Now, of course, there is a line to be drawn, and it’s different for every family, but so long as it doesn’t cause harm to your family, the child themselves, or anyone else, parents should work on accepting it. Who knows, if it’s something you really hate (like polka music, maybe?) than it might fade away like any old phase. But if it turns out that’s exactly what your child wants to pursue in life, well how horrible would it be to know that your parents don’t approve?

It’s even a good idea to participate sometimes! Obviously, you don’t have to try everything that your kids do. I know I can’t even balance on some of the outdoor devices they have these days, but it’s highly appreciated if you try and take part in some things with your kids. If your kid runs into the house and invites you to something they hold dear to their heart, you definitely shouldn’t just turn it down. Think about it, and give them a definitive answer. All of this can really help to shape your children’s lives in the future and you just hope you’ve done well enough to be included. We hope you have, as well.