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How to Help Your Kids Concentrate

There are several ways in which a child may have difficulties concentrating on their homework or schoolwork during the day.  Today we are going to be focusing on common strategies to refocus your child so that they will be better able to succeed.


One such strategy is a simple game called "the coin game".  The reason why it appeals to children, even some with ADHD, is due to the fact that it is fast paced and interactive.  Obtain two sets of coins, one will be the main set that will be imitated by the child with the second set.  Any coins will do, pennies, nickels, dimes, etc.  The coins can be any type but make sure the sets match.  Arrange about 5-7 coins in a sequence and then cover it with a cardboard box.  Remove the cardboard box for 10 seconds asking your child to memorize the sequence then cover the coins with the box again.  Then give you child a chance to imitate the sequence.  If they get the sequence wrong give them another chance to try it again.  This is a good game because it helps your child to focus and concentrate while having fun.  Over time the child will be able to sequence more and more coins and expand their concentration levels.

Another strategy is to ensure you are building a positive emotional climate of understanding with your child.  This means that parents need to find a balance between being permissive and being bossy that positively reinforces educational behaviors in the child.  Being properly authoritative can result in children that can better master self-regulation and handling their own tasks.  


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