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Khan Academy Aids Home Schooled Children –

Almost anyone can use Khan Academy as an educational resource. All a person needs is an internet connection and a computer to learn with Salman Khan, an MIT and Harvard educated educator. Sal Khan's mission is to provide a free world class education to anyone and with 3.5 million views a month he is well on his way. The genius behind is that every concept is broken down into 5-10 minute long videos. This way very specific topics, like stereochemistry within the broader topic of organic chemistry, can be easily found and learned with a MIT educated tutor. Besides it being one of the best resources for anyone cramming for a test, it is also an incredible resource for stay at home parents teaching their children.


Besides the fact that Sal Khan has lectures in the Arts and Humanities, Economics and Finance, Science, Computing and more. One of the most impressive aspects of his site is the range of math education and math activities that are available. One could learn elementary school math all the way up to calculus on this site. All by following 5-10 minute long videos one step at a time. Practice makes perfect and with this website your children can practice as much as they want for free.

Conventional teachers are lauding the site as well. Several teachers are rearranging their entire curriculum to incorporate khanacademy. This way they can monitor who is advancing and which students know what when. Knowing exactly what the student knows facilitates helping any student to learn even more.  This can also be a huge help for parents.


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