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Successful Homeschooling Stories

What is little known about homeschooling is how successful it can be for your children. The average home school student from grades 1-4 performs at least one grade level higher than their public counterparts. Afterwards the skill gap improves and by the 8th grade the average home school student performs four grades higher than the national average. (This information is via The Scholastic Achievement and Demographic Characteristics of Home School Students.) What is most interesting about this information is that there was no difference found as to whether a parent was certified to teach. This means almost anyone that wants to be involved with their children and facilitate a better future for them can! Below is an example of an incredible home school teaching story.

The Harding family is not your typical family. Father Kip and mother Mona are two proud parents of 10 children, 7 of those ten have attended college starting at the age of 12. The other 3 are simply not old enough to attend college and are under the age of 12. The simple strategy that the Harding family embraced was to start their children learning in a direction that prepared them for college level education. They never forced their children to learn but only encouraged them to follow their passions. Kip Harding says he "reverse engineered" the process of learning so that his children would be well on the path of college level education long before the average child is of college age. To find out more check out their book The Brainy Bunch.  Below is a photo of their book cover.




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