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What is Home School and What Makes it a Good Option?

One of the most challenging decision parents have to make for their children is if they will attend public school or go through a home school program. The convenience of attending free public schooling has always made it the method of choice, but an increasing number of parents are becoming interested in other options.

Many believe that the association at school has been on a steady moral decline and don't want their children to be exposed to it. Others believe that the modern education system is failing to adequately educate the nation's youth. A popular alternative to public schooling is home schooling.


What is home schooling? Quite simply, it is the education of youth at a private residence by either parents or a tutor. In addition to the previously stated reasons why parents may decide to home school their children, there is also the opportunity to provide religious instruction, although this reason is not as common as the other two.

Home schooling has become increasingly popular in the United States, seeing an increase from about 2% in 2001 to about 3% in 2008. That may not sound like a lot, but that is actually an increase in the hundreds of thousands.

Are there any other reasons why you think home schooling is a good alternative to public education? Leave a comment below!


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