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A Perk To Home Schooling

Student Laptop PicI remember back when I was in high school, I grew up with a lot of youth who were doing home school. Some of them hated it because it meant a lot of boredom throughout the day, whereas some of them loved it because it allowed them to sleep in nearly every day. Among the things that I commonly heard from those who loved home school was that their particular program loaned them computers in order to get the assignments and studying done. What is more, I remember how excited some of them were to tell me that their program never actually asked for the computers back, so they in effect got these gadgets for free as a result of being a part of the home school program.

Are your children enrolled in such a program that offers similar services? Now that I am older, I am curious as to whether I want to enroll any of my future children in home school or if I want them to experience traditional schooling. What are your preferences and thoughts on the matter? We'd love to hear in a comment below.


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